Who is MamáBird?

Hola, My name is Linda! Also known as MOM, Mamá or MamáBird.

Creator of HighMamaBird (HMB)

"High" for Highly elevated frequencies 
"Mamá" Nature's Best elements available to us all through Mamá Earth
"Bird" reminder to keep our heart energy balanced and light, like a feather!

My love for Energy Medicine came to be since birth. As a little girl, I thought everyone could see Auras and many can, each with unique views. We all carry gifts, it is our being, our inner core to discover them, learn from them and share them.

I am a small, natural, home based studio living with my family in sunny California, USA, Zone 9B from our wellnest garden to your home!

From the start, I knew my approach would be to share Nature's Best Elements with you. Cultivating, creating and Nurturing our roots utilizing "Madre Tierra", or Mother Earth's plant power energy as an ancient form of healing I bring you alternative methods to assist in uplifting your spiritual energy & journey!

Ancient Ancestral frequencies. Tradition. Ethics. Organic. Healing our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical into alignment the way nature always intended it to be since the beginning of time!

Always in love's HIGHEST frequencies of LOVE,

~ Linda



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